Because the previous version of internet was way too slow (1 phone number in 40 seconds) the scientists redesigned the internet.
The system no longer works with bites, but with pulses:
if it wants to send an 7, it turns its digital gate to high, waits 7 milliseconds and then turns it to low again.
This way it was now possible to send a full phone number in 440 milliseconds!
This way it was now possible to send a full phone number in 440 milliseconds!
So now we are able to send all the stuff we need at the speeds we need. There is no limit of digits anymore, but values below 100 get send fastest (because it works with delays; 123 = 123 milliseconds)
I will upload the libraries for sending and receiving as soon as possible.
Damn.. You blurred the same numbers as you did last time :P